Thursday, October 27, 2016

BONFIRE SESSION 06: Wrong Decision Aftermath

I think I made a wrong decision.

I find it hard to admit but yes I made a wrong decision this time. A year ago, I was reflecting or somehow deliberating if I should take the path of the crowd and ended up joining the bandwagon. My good friends decided to work overseas. Some of them have left my home country two years ahead of me. Last year, I and a good friend decided to fly out which from the start I thought was never a good idea—a wrong decision.

During the preparation process, I always battle with my mind and rationalize that the decision of working abroad is a must. I can help my parents financially, pay some of my financial obligations, and save money for the future. Those reasons had led me to finally seal my faith through a 2-year contract.

It’s been a year now. I send home a decent amount to my family, pay some obligations and save a little but my general perception about my life is it did not take off to any better grounds. Professionally, I did not grow. Emotionally, I took two backward steps. Socially, I held back and was limited to my current circles. All these self-thought factors equated to how I judged the whole scenario as a wrong decision.

Do I have a choice not to take the move?


I don’t want to sound ungrateful (probably, I am) but maybe my life would have been different had I stayed. Regret? I don’t know. It’s too early for that and I might find something valuable with this experience. They say there are blessings in disguise of a wrong decision or a life’s catastrophe. As for me, I am still waiting for mine.

Had I not taken the road, I see myself still earning small but I also envision myself working my hardest. I see myself joining financial literacy group which will help me alleviate not just my life but the life of many people. Though it is a wrong decision to stay in a low paying income, I think the impact of the move will be mitigated by another pursuit like helping one’s self, others, and the fact that I am with my family.

I can’t trust my thought but as of this moment, I think I made a wrong decision on the ground that I did not pursue what truly matters because I have always believed even if I failed on something I really want, it won’t matter less since I exactly doing what inspires me. I can’t change what has been done but I can always draw something valuable from a wrong decision like experience, learning, and wisdom. At the end of the day, maybe, just maybe, it is not a wrong decision after all.

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Friday, June 10, 2016


An interplay of animosity, happiness, sheer platonic moment followed by the replay of the first two is what life has been so far. It was an unsteady stride to eternity—an excruciating clamour for freedom and relief in the midst of a lingering darkness.

I must be the most ungrateful being thinking that conditions are worst today than it was before but sometimes the complexity of everything just gets in my way (or probably my psychological bias dictates the whole perspective). Eight months have passed since I took that leap of faith. It was the ultimate gamble I have ever taken and today as I look back that day I took my foot off from my comfort zone I still feel the chills and that suction to the abyss of uncertainty.

Days moved so fast, they slipped like water running through the boulders of a river. In those eight months, I felt both death and life. I’ve lost myself in the process of getting better and turned out to be a total failure for trying to juggle everything within my reach. Before the eight months, I have wasted too much time developing nothing. I have indulged in incompetent life and have taken a huge step back to the barbaric days of irresponsible living. Today, it claimed a huge price and I am paying it big time. I have to move through that eight months conquering myself; fighting the demons I created for myself.

8 months later

I am still breathing but struggling with all my might to stabilize my unreliable judgment. Too much negativity has eaten me up and the drama and loneliness of being away from home just made the whole situation worse. I know I want to be in that place and pursue the life I have always desired but I cannot do that with my current set-ups. I need to be financially free first and to be tough enough to command my life.

The only way is to embrace what is on hand and to live the life I have chosen for the meantime. This is not a bad life after all. I am blessed with a job, family, and friends.  The game plan should be geared towards finding the joy in everything I do while I take not only professional lessons but as well as life’s wisdom. I will take everything as a challenge as I continue to pay off my obligations and build the empire I have envisioned for myself and my family. This is already life happening before me and if I let this consume me then I am not living at all.

I might be very unsteady today but I know somehow, anyhow things will get better and by the time I reach that destination I am setting for myself, I will be glad that it was not the gold at the end of the road which makes this journey worthwhile but the person I have ultimately become.
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Friday, May 20, 2016


Bonfire Session 05

For the first time in seven months, I felt the stir has settled in a manageable condition. I am tempted to fill this white space with office shits and life’s crap but a tiny voice inside me tells me I made those and I better shred them inside before I throw it out somewhere unrecoverable. Now, I want to write something uncommon (but I probably have written it somewhere). I want to write the ending.

[Wait, I’ll take a nap]
[Back at the computer]

Ending; some fear it. Some crave for it badly. I am in between. The fact that if I reach the end of the road of this journey it would be tantamount to no to little remaining time and that scares me. Meanwhile, experiencing tons of suffering, I am eager to arrive at the destination. In between those, I am caught in a complex and soul-ripping space.


I am sitting on our patio, sipping my freshly brewed coffee while I watched each passerby throwing a smile at me. I sliced a portion of my mocha muffin and taste its subtle yet enticing flavour. It is three in the afternoon but the sun is not that cruel—glaring yet forgiving. A breeze from my west felt like unadulterated freedom. I heard my family preparing their afternoon snacks at the kitchen. They were merry but all I can hear is the noise of laughter united in one blending hymn. I look at the blue sky and found a kite flying from afar. Boldness and security stunned me at the momentary steadiness of my immediate sphere.

My family joins me outside and we talk about the weekend plan. “barbeque? Grilled fish? And some tomatoes on the sauce? I thought that would be amazing. I smiled and they continue talking as I  took the keys from my pocket. I’m taking a drive I told them. They smiled and ask me if I could buy some chips for tonight’s movie marathon. I agreed.

It is the music of that familiar soundtrack that played on the stereo. I opened the window to feel the warm afternoon. I felt the air. I felt the oneness of the universe with my soul. I remember the dark times, good times, and not so pleasant things which happened to me some time ago. They are there but they no longer control me. Those events and people are left in that place. I wish them well. I look at them from afar and I told them with all composure. I’m sorry but thank you.

I arrive at the supermarket. I passed by the station where I usually buy my favourite sweet corn. I prefer it with the cob so I could taste it in its semi-natural form. I enjoyed it as I pass through the store where I usually spend my remaining allowance way back in college. I smiled. I did not turn out to be someone I should be but I am definitely the best version of myself. I am exactly who I am. I get everything I needed including one piece of Boston Crème from Dunkin. It is turn out to be my favourite way back in the grinding days. Before I went home, I passed by one of the underrated places, I chilled once or twice. It is overlooking and I can vividly see the spaces of unchained existence. I watched the sun bid farewell to the day and ordered one bottle of cold beer just to kill the time. I take every second as a gift of what I have sacrificed and worked for. The beer has spell-bounded my innocence, and as the guitar strings went berserk, I find myself caught in this moment of liberty, peace, and internal happiness. I am here. I am free and I fully own my life.

I arrive home. I kiss my parents and prepared the dinner table for our evening meal. The story-telling session continues over the meal. The night was spent watching a movie. I pass the last movie and stayed in the attic for the night. I watched the universe unfolds its beauty while Gin’s “As long as it matters” is playing over my background. I realize how small I am yet how important it is that I serve my purpose. It is not only something I owe myself, my family and God but a call I am bestowed to strike my light to the universe. I lay on my bed and think again of the path behind. It was rough and sometimes unbearable but I did survive. Right now, experiencing what I have been dreaming off, I realize I only had simple dreams, simple happiness and yet they are so valuable that I did everything to get here. I just want to have freedom to do what I want, to have inner peace, and to share that happiness with the people I valued.

I say a prayer and before I finally close my eyes to sleep. I said to myself “Tomorrow is another day to inspire people, to help them realize their potentials, to show them an alternative path, to help them find their voice. Tomorrow is another day to free them.

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Saturday, April 23, 2016

Bonfire Session 04: TWISTED THOUGHTS & Inner Battle

Bonfire Session 04

The storm has calmed down after I made that basic mistake at work. I am lucky that my boss did not fire me. Probably, God has touched him and gave me a second chance. Though things are quite steady right now, challenges are still up and by tomorrow new requirements would be demanding. As much as I want to work my way out, I am stunned by the overwhelming tasks and my lack of motivation.

I knew for myself that somehow I do not belong in this sphere but I had to push myself to financially sustain myself and my family. I graduated with this knowledge and I have to use this in one way or another. I did not get a degree in writing so there’s no way I could make money on it on a larger scale. I am meant to tackle figures and do what my position had laid before me.

Despite the urging thoughts for change and finding my ultimate niche, I am left with no to little option but to stand by me the profession. It was not that difficult I know that for sure but because of my twisted thoughts, everything has been drifting into craps. The very reason I am not progressing with work is that my heart was never on it and because my heart is more powerful than my mind at this point it dictated every action, outcome, and the general condition.

The Second Chance.
I am not sure if it was a blessing I did not suffer from an immediate sanction but some parts of me tell me that it is. God has a purpose why I did not die in that wasteland and why I am still on this track. He wanted me to learn a lesson I have been putting off for some time now (I said that before). I don’t know. Maybe he wants me to re-learn audit? To understand people? To move in every challenges as if it is part of my system? Or probably to transcend what is on hand into something valuable. I really don’t have a clue right now.

My friend told me that during our lifetime the purpose or meaning of all of these will eventually reveal in its shimmering glamour. Some people will realize it earlier while others, the unlucky ones, will figure it out at their death beds. Meaning comes either before, on or after. I am convinced with that. The journey will be painful or full of sufferings but there is a gem of learning in all of these.

If I believe that these challenges, pain, failures or conditions will amount to something bigger, greater, and promising then how can I glide with them without losing my mind? How can I make things right and get the job done at its most excellent level or state?

I know the answer. I’ve always known it within. Everything is a matter of perspective and attitude. If I want to alter how things and events are controlling me (which is how it is right now), I will have to command my heart and use my brain to get things done. It all starts in the heart and confirm by the mind.

So here I am in this place with the job I less enjoyed but I am grateful I am given this opportunity. I may have messed up and left my boss disgusted but I am still here. If I allow my mind and heart to dictate a performance of less value then my boss will have no option but to terminate me. I cannot allow that. I am intelligent. I am great. I am special and I have that inner power in me which is beyond ordinary. I will change for the better. I will embrace the choice I have made. I will give it another try.

While it is true that my environment is uninspiring, it should not affect me and control me. The people around must have gone into deep shits some time in their lives that made them who they are right now but that’s not my problem and it should not my problem. I should do my job, ask help if needed, and do not rely on them. I should be fully accountable on my job, my output, and my life. The job is just part of the large multi-faced concept of life, not the only component.

I love audit. When I left it, I have told my colleagues that if there’s one job that I loved it was audit regardless how challenging it was. How come I let my current condition took that away from me and how could I allow people to affect my perspective.

I am making a resolution right now. I will love my job. I will excel. I give my 100% regardless of what is on hand. I will not mind others’ negative aura or attitude. This job will help me reach my dreams and I will do everything just to safeguard. I will relearn discipline. I will learn hard work. I will the best approaches and strategies to get the job. Failure is not an option and should not be considered. This is now or never. This is an integral part of my success. Storms and strong winds will blow me down every now and then but I do not care! I will stand and keep moving. I will pick up the lesson, apply it and become the best of myself.

Finally, I thank my friends for continuously believing in me despite the episodes of incompetence and those moments I have forgotten what I made of. I am Marcus and this is my life. I am going to live it like it is the last and I will forever be grateful to God for everything I had experienced be it good or not so good. I am meant to live out the purpose of which I am created for and no one can ever stop me, not even myself.

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Sunday, April 3, 2016

Bonfire Session 03: Both Worlds

Bonfire Session 03

It was almost 1 a.m.
No, I am not sitting along the shore
Or star-gazing at universe’s beauty;
No, I am not facing the bonfire
I am inside my flat…

At 1 a.m. in my former city, I still can see people walking with enthusiasm along the street. Some are already drunk while others are just trying to get by with chitchats and activities to help them forget about their lives. There are children playing under the moonlight while worried parents are waiting for them home. The street is a picture of celebration and loss—enticingly alluring yet hauntingly heartrending. Today, I couldn’t put into words my immediate space. It is empty. At momentary instances, there are cars that drive by but vanish at once. I tried to think how both worlds existed in my head and how I manage to survive.

Countless times during the day and extremely infinite during free time, I think of two worlds existing in a parallel fashion. One space is the reality I have chosen and the other I have forgone. I always try to virtually jump into that world and try to relive the ‘what could have been’ while I live in the present. I blast myself to that place where I did not choose to stay and evaluate the feel, the rightness or wrongness or I don’t know how to spell it. Most of the time I spent living in two worlds where I experience both joy and tremendous sadness, probably because I have to physiologically pick only one from both equally valid choices and which provide different spheres of actualization and fulfillment.

Red or Blue: I Could Not Have Both

No matter how I push it hard, I have chosen one; not because I want to but that’s how this universe operates—red pill or blue pill.

I did leave home. I am working overseas. I might want to stay and savor quality time with my family and friends but that won’t save us today; that won’t liberate me. For the longest time, I continuously contest my choice. I fool myself that had I remained I could still meet the essentials, but now it is evident---it is close to impossible.
It was not the first time I am confronted with two worlds. In the past after choosing one, I continue to live in the other dimension through my mind; in that way, I get by and I live. Today it was different, I made a straight decision. I cannot live both worlds inside my head. I need to embrace and live out the other when redemption comes.

The decision I had made and the inclusions of it never really made sense until this moment. Now, I understand that I need to spearhead change and rewrite the story of my life, as well as my family. I will be the shield while our defenses take some regular maintenance. I will be the warrior who will build the pipelines of our long-term streams. I am now part of the front-liners.

Everything around me might not be the way I have envisioned it to be but somehow I am convinced that this world has brewed something special. One day, when it is permissible, I will again attempt to cross over and lived that other world but on this time with a new whole me and a story written differently.

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Monday, March 28, 2016

Bonfire Session 02: Middle Part

Bonfire Session 02.

I’ve never felt this cold before, like literally. It’s like a huge ice berg lurks inside my soul. At different times during the day, I lose my senses, and then a flash of vagueness consumes me followed by a swift regain of sanity. This middle part madness just purges every vein in me.

It’s Easter Sunday and I am at work.

Any time during the day, my boss would appear to check the outcome of my rookie assignments and the usual 50-50 chances of a shout or ‘no comment’ is at stake. Well, that would matter less at this point. Any form of assault could never cross my barrier at this state of anxiousness. Earlier, I received a message that my father is admitted to the hospital for some bacterial infections brought by his previous operation and probably exposure to stress. What could be more compelling than that on an Easter? Nothing (at this instance)!

Despite the circumstances, I still give an attempt to function today. I open my financial spreadsheet and check my figures. I close it after a few minutes. It’s still a whirlwind catastrophic scene as I expected. My last big-time flat move out costs me money I could have paid for two creditors but of course at this stage there’s nothing much I can do.

[With a career I don’t really know where it is heading to, an ongoing financial reformation, and challenges faced by the family, I must say this middle part is not as easy as I expected it to be.]

When I took a leap of faith to rehabilitate my dysfunctional life and to build the life I desire for myself and my family, I have pictured out the destination and how the ending would look like. I imagined myself with my family enjoying the beaches of my country and waking up in our home with the smell of sun-side up eggs, fresh bread, tomatoes, and brewed coffee. That end scene is so enticing that I shun and forgot the middle part—the chapter which will ultimately define the achievement of the last scene.

Oh, Middle Part!

How I wish I could just skip the middle part and blast my way to the destination, but of course such wishful thinking is absurd. I have read a number of times that ‘it is not the end but the journey which matters’. Did they mean the ‘middle part’? because right now that does not make any sense to me, even this journal is not making any sense at all. If I am meant to suffer the middle part for a great curtain call, then what’s that supposed to amount to?

I really don’t know. Maybe, this span is design for me to figure out what life is all about and how I would act upon it. This extended period has not only knocked me down but has showed me a complete reflection of myself. During these clouded moments of despair and uncertainty, I have remembered my strengths and at the same time recognized my weaknesses. I have seen my soul fight and fly under extreme adversities and realized I was not that stupid at all.

The middle part is not a place I want to stay but it is molding me to be the person deserving of a grand finale. This space has drawn me the opposite portrait of my dreams at the same time has tested my willpower and belief not to accept what’s on hand but to paint my own masterpiece.

Displaced Thoughts

Scars thicken my armor
Suffering took away my humor
Pain sharpened my sword
And I am left with no word

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Tuesday, March 8, 2016

Bonfire Session 01: We Are Young

It‘s both a gift and a curse to have lived with diverse people at different places in a relative span of time. I’ve got to take away with me good memories of those spent moments, yet ripped off a huge part of me and left it there---galvanized in our history like ashes from an extinguished campfire.

SENSES (Unceremonial Interlude)

[The sound of beer cans as they are opened
Memories I don’t know when had happened;
Music of waves as they gush forth the shores
Cold sea breeze intimately pierces through my pores;

Distant laugh of a friend lightly mumbling
 Firewoods rumbling;
Strum of guitar string
It’s time to set aside my ring;

Suddenly, a spark was thrown to the dead wood
I see fire; it set the mood;
Flames consume us in retribution
For so long, they’ve escaped isolation;

It has been decreed to the universe, the bonfire session has begun]


Sober, I pass on a cold bottle of beer and ask, “If you got a chance to travel back, bump with your younger self, what would you say?”

Severus looks into my eyes.

“Sitting on the edge of a dark alley, I imagine my younger self crying. I’d walk tenderly closer; comfort him and leave him with an intangible security, ‘Everything’s going to be okay, I promise.’” Severus replied.

I’ve never seen Severus’s eyes burst in golden crimson flames as he tried to throw a future commitment to the past. His words resonate around the circle; hauntingly profound and genuine. In our midst, Severus briefly introduces this young boy--a petrified, fragile, and unsure soul; yet in a wink, the boy shrinks and merges in his being—strong, bold, and courageous.


We are half to the abyss of the night when Calen breaks the deafening silence: “Brace yourself my dear; the world is cruel out there. You can't be a weakling.” Her voice was as firm as the burning woods yet fractured by the vindictive fire. For a second, flashes of images remind me what she has gone through. ‘Cruel’ to illustrate our world is an understatement yet I no longer pity her. I know somewhere in her soul that the glory of happiness is her destiny and the past or today’s slavery from pain and misery would no longer matter.

Calen turns her attention to the Dark Knight who bears this blank look which suddenly transforms into a face she once knew. Dark Knight holds Calen hand and through the tunnel of humility pass his voice which says, "Learn well from your mistakes." I have known the Dark Knight for years and I know talking to his younger self that way takes tons of courage and humility. His younger self might not understand the gravity of the words but we, people around the circle, understand; especially Calen who seems liberated after hearing Dark Knight’s word.

From the outskirts, Katniss arrive.
Beer turns into hard liquor.
And the night continues to unravel.

After learning the fuss, Katniss push her fingers on her reading glasses to keep it in place (her signature mannerism), take one full shot of brandy, and fires:

Please listen from your future. I have come a long way and I want you to be better than me. So here are three important things you need to remember. First, be smarter with life decisions. Always know your priorities and never lose sight of them. You have tendencies of being lost. Hold on to what you think would make you feel contented in the long run. Second, be confident ‘coz you are beautiful the way God made you. Stop being insecure ‘coz that would only drag you down. You should find a way to pick yourself up and stand on firm grounds. Appreciate more and find the greater value of what you have.

Some grains of tears start pouring from Katniss eyes. We are cemented in the melancholic space Katniss created. She looks at Severus in a distinctively passionate fashion as she continues:

And third, be true to yourself. Hiding behind shadows would do no good to you. You should embrace yourself and accept your own truth. Only that could set you free.

Severus and Katniss are caught in a world they only knew and we bother not to dig deeper as Severus shuns the clouds, passing again the shot of brandy.


Alcohol starts to devour our sanity. Fumes from our cigarettes mix with the air and engulf us. Our vision turns vague. We are momentarily trapped in this slice of time cut by our subconscious longing to escape the borders of our brutal world. We stride forward laughing, cracking jokes, and drinking that venomous spell brought by the liquid spirits.

I am trying to survive one glass of hard liquor when the question boomerangs on me. What would I say? How can I contain a lengthy thought in an epigrammatic encounter with myself? I cannot even imagine facing the younger me; the thought that I messed up the present and warm him about it is terrifyingly shameful. I choke; “That was high!!”. Nevertheless, liquor passes through my esophagus unharmed, untamed.

4:24 a.m.
We run out of strength to crack another joke; mouths have dried out of saliva; and the taste and smell of another night sting like an evidence of a willful crime. Cigarette butts scatter around; some mix with the sand like our worries muddle up into our drunkenness.

Slowly, one by one, each walks away from the campfire to rest the dead beaten earthly bodies. Severus bid farewell with a tap on my back and pulls Katniss to his direction. The couple waves and leave carrying each other’s load.

I stay; watch the fire gradually fading;


And, losing its existence.

At that very moment, I fall in love with the flame yet I’ve always known I have to put it off. The day is done. I throw the last water from my half-consumed mineral bottle and remember my unaddressed younger self. I hear the sound from the maltreated woods sizzles as the fire died down. I turn my back; and whisper,  “Keep the fire alive, young man”

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