Thursday, October 27, 2016

BONFIRE SESSION 06: Wrong Decision Aftermath

I think I made a wrong decision.

I find it hard to admit but yes I made a wrong decision this time. A year ago, I was reflecting or somehow deliberating if I should take the path of the crowd and ended up joining the bandwagon. My good friends decided to work overseas. Some of them have left my home country two years ahead of me. Last year, I and a good friend decided to fly out which from the start I thought was never a good idea—a wrong decision.

During the preparation process, I always battle with my mind and rationalize that the decision of working abroad is a must. I can help my parents financially, pay some of my financial obligations, and save money for the future. Those reasons had led me to finally seal my faith through a 2-year contract.

It’s been a year now. I send home a decent amount to my family, pay some obligations and save a little but my general perception about my life is it did not take off to any better grounds. Professionally, I did not grow. Emotionally, I took two backward steps. Socially, I held back and was limited to my current circles. All these self-thought factors equated to how I judged the whole scenario as a wrong decision.

Do I have a choice not to take the move?


I don’t want to sound ungrateful (probably, I am) but maybe my life would have been different had I stayed. Regret? I don’t know. It’s too early for that and I might find something valuable with this experience. They say there are blessings in disguise of a wrong decision or a life’s catastrophe. As for me, I am still waiting for mine.

Had I not taken the road, I see myself still earning small but I also envision myself working my hardest. I see myself joining financial literacy group which will help me alleviate not just my life but the life of many people. Though it is a wrong decision to stay in a low paying income, I think the impact of the move will be mitigated by another pursuit like helping one’s self, others, and the fact that I am with my family.

I can’t trust my thought but as of this moment, I think I made a wrong decision on the ground that I did not pursue what truly matters because I have always believed even if I failed on something I really want, it won’t matter less since I exactly doing what inspires me. I can’t change what has been done but I can always draw something valuable from a wrong decision like experience, learning, and wisdom. At the end of the day, maybe, just maybe, it is not a wrong decision after all.