Monday, March 28, 2016

Bonfire Session 02: Middle Part

Bonfire Session 02.

I’ve never felt this cold before, like literally. It’s like a huge ice berg lurks inside my soul. At different times during the day, I lose my senses, and then a flash of vagueness consumes me followed by a swift regain of sanity. This middle part madness just purges every vein in me.

It’s Easter Sunday and I am at work.

Any time during the day, my boss would appear to check the outcome of my rookie assignments and the usual 50-50 chances of a shout or ‘no comment’ is at stake. Well, that would matter less at this point. Any form of assault could never cross my barrier at this state of anxiousness. Earlier, I received a message that my father is admitted to the hospital for some bacterial infections brought by his previous operation and probably exposure to stress. What could be more compelling than that on an Easter? Nothing (at this instance)!

Despite the circumstances, I still give an attempt to function today. I open my financial spreadsheet and check my figures. I close it after a few minutes. It’s still a whirlwind catastrophic scene as I expected. My last big-time flat move out costs me money I could have paid for two creditors but of course at this stage there’s nothing much I can do.

[With a career I don’t really know where it is heading to, an ongoing financial reformation, and challenges faced by the family, I must say this middle part is not as easy as I expected it to be.]

When I took a leap of faith to rehabilitate my dysfunctional life and to build the life I desire for myself and my family, I have pictured out the destination and how the ending would look like. I imagined myself with my family enjoying the beaches of my country and waking up in our home with the smell of sun-side up eggs, fresh bread, tomatoes, and brewed coffee. That end scene is so enticing that I shun and forgot the middle part—the chapter which will ultimately define the achievement of the last scene.

Oh, Middle Part!

How I wish I could just skip the middle part and blast my way to the destination, but of course such wishful thinking is absurd. I have read a number of times that ‘it is not the end but the journey which matters’. Did they mean the ‘middle part’? because right now that does not make any sense to me, even this journal is not making any sense at all. If I am meant to suffer the middle part for a great curtain call, then what’s that supposed to amount to?

I really don’t know. Maybe, this span is design for me to figure out what life is all about and how I would act upon it. This extended period has not only knocked me down but has showed me a complete reflection of myself. During these clouded moments of despair and uncertainty, I have remembered my strengths and at the same time recognized my weaknesses. I have seen my soul fight and fly under extreme adversities and realized I was not that stupid at all.

The middle part is not a place I want to stay but it is molding me to be the person deserving of a grand finale. This space has drawn me the opposite portrait of my dreams at the same time has tested my willpower and belief not to accept what’s on hand but to paint my own masterpiece.

Displaced Thoughts

Scars thicken my armor
Suffering took away my humor
Pain sharpened my sword
And I am left with no word